Sunday, December 20, 2009


I personally believe that almost all good pictures are great by themselves...WITHOUT having to use Photoshop or other such programs to make them "better". But I also believe there are legitimate reasons to use the program and so I figure I'd better learn how to use it.
I don't know whats worse at this amateur pictures, or my rookie Photoshop skills. Don't answer that!
The good news? I can only get better from here.

This picture was taken at my Grandparent's house in Mississippi. Everything there is so rustic, so I thought I would try to make this picture reflect it.

Friday, December 4, 2009


These pictures were taken a couple of years ago from the deck of my house, so this post is cheating just a little since the pictures are not new ;-).

I wish the quality was better (pics are quite small- 4x6), but considering I did this with a 4mp "point and shoot" camera-- without a tripod-- I think they turned out OK.

My only regret is that the foreground in the the first picture is a bit of an eye-sore, but the sky and the mountains (with the sun setting behind me in the West) were AMAZING!! The great thing is that I get views like this on a regular basis. The west side of the lake is a beautiful place to live..... even if these pictures don't do it justice.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Here goes nothing......

After years of threatening to get serious with my photography, I am finally jumping in. As this is the first entry in my blog I will preface it with a disclaimer that I make no claims as to the quality of my work. However, I can guarantee that each picture will mean something to me and that I most likely had a blast taking it. SOOO, if you are a serious photography critic, you may want to look elsewhere ;-)

I figure that you have to start somewhere, right? So here we go:

Jake and I went out to Pelican Bay (Utah Lake), and despite the cold, had a pretty good time. Special thanks to Jake for his patience and tutelage. I hope to be as good as him someday!!

60 Sec

55 mm
30 sec

30 Sec